Ask Questions When Buying Commercial and Industrial Floor Cleaning Machines

Research the manufacturer and distributor while understanding your needs. You have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to floor equipment. Size and functional format will determine what equipment will work best for you.

Developments and enhancements by manufacturers can be large or subtle. Machines use less water, provide greater comfort, strip floors without chemicals, operate with better ease, have better / longer warranties and parts have become simpler to change. Noticeable improvements in filtration, chemical application, ergonomics and orbital machinery provide excellent options for the operator.

Machine design impacts the ability to navigate and see what’s ahead, as well as how close the user can operate in a given area. Facility needs are always an important factor. Additionally, access to the motor, accessories, parts and reservoir tanks can be aided by the form and function of each devise. Color can be optimal for safety, company brand or even public concealment.

Sound decibel level is best considered for employees cleaning during open business hours. A machine with low sound keeps from disturbing or affecting vital communications throughout work shifts. Executives and managers have ample range to select from between makes and models.

Identify the type of equipment currently in use, and the extent of the facility. Floor type, transport requirements, structural opening sizes and ease of navigation between floors are all important. Elevators and staircases are important factors also. Consulting your distributor can help you to determine best fit.

Equipment warranty and service are easy to overlook when purchasing on the internet, but these are valuable forms of support that will save you time and money in the long run. Be sure to take note of performance and reliability – requesting a product demonstration is very helpful. Speed, ease, cord cables, motor horsepower and battery configuration are important to think about too.

These are all vital toward your purchase and will serve a company wisely in conjunction with a quality distributor that will provide services when need arises. Take a tour and inquire about part rates. Pricing isn’t the only important factor when versatile support can fill your needs effectively.

Your research will yield cost-effective results over the course of time. The more you commit to reviewing the details, the better off you and your company will be. Be sure that you are getting quality and have proper support during and after the sale.

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(866) 812-6252